who are we ?
The strengthening of African unity is a
objective sought for a long time without ever
have been reached. While we understand
better today the need for integration
region and the reasons for past failures,
new efforts aim to strengthen economic ties
and policies between the many countries
from the continent. This dossier examines the main
difficulties to overcome before achieving integration
: develop trade
between African countries, build more
roads and other infrastructure, reform regional institutions, increase
transparency and public participation and coordinate more closely the
private and public sector initiatives.
The non-governmental organization at GSL-AFRICA INTERNATIONAL is open to all volunteers from
all countries, all continents and all religions to support peace, stability and
development in the world. It has within it, teams of researchers
and working and retired professionals with skills
in the areas of defence, security, finance, diplomacy,
intelligence, humanitarianism and communication.
Like Benin, the 53 countries of Africa all have their own flag, their own
constitution, their own capital and their own Defense and Security Forces.
They are separated by borders clearly marked on the map. But,
for many Africans, these colonial barriers matter less than their
points in common: they know that they are all African and that they have an interest in strengthening
political, economic, financial, cultural and human ties on both sides
and on the other side imposed national borders.
In their speeches, during official conferences and in treatises, the
political leaders have long been in favor of greater
integration of African countries and regions, although few results have
been achieved in practice. In recent years, this concept has become
most importantly, thus, GSL-AFRICA INTERNATIONAL wishes to support,
through its action, with those in power, people in distress, groups
vulnerable and victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence.
Its humanitarian action aims to be participatory, unifying and representative.
GSL-AFRICA INTERNATIONAL wishes to be a body also to be a
crucible of research, consultation, assistance and dialogue as well as
mediation for any conflict detrimental to sustainable development in Africa and
in the world.
As such, the team of the NGO GSL AFRICA INTERNATIONAL undertakes to
research into peace, stability, security and development strategies in favor of Africa and the whole world, to initiate consultations with decision-makers, researchers and leaders in public security and defense policies and development on Africa and in the world and organize assistance in humanitarian actions (prevention, training and awareness) of populations civilians and also the Defense and Security Forces as well as the protection of
vulnerable people, victims of armed conflicts and other situations of violence (education, energy, health, micro-credits, environment) in Africa and in the world. Hope is allowed
So join us at the NGO GSL AFRICA INTERNATIONAL, because everyone has
his role to play...
Diane KINDJI épouse ZINSOU
The Executive Director of the NGO GSL AFRICA
We are an international organization working to ensure social justice and promote the development of nations through research work in order to relieve the victims of violence and armed conflict. As a result, we operate in the following areas of research into strategies for peace, stability, security and development; consultation initiatives with decision-makers and leaders in public security, defense and development policies on Africa; assistance in humanitarian actions (prevention, training and awareness) of populations; and citizen monitoring and protection of vulnerable people, victims of armed conflicts and other situations of violence (education, energy, health, microcredit) in Africa.
As an international non-governmental organization, we are open to all volunteers from all countries, all continents and all religions in order to support peace, stability and development on the African continent. To do this, we have teams of researchers and professionals with skills in the fields of defence, security, finance, diplomacy, intelligence, humanitarianism and communication. We also support people in distress, vulnerable or victims of armed conflicts and other situations of violence. Our action is intended to be participatory, unifying and representative of any “peace initiative” for the well-being and development of Africans in a spirit of community of destiny. Finally, we have strategic instruments for research, consultation, education, dialogue and assistance, as well as a mediation body for any conflict detrimental to sustainable development in Africa.
By conducting research studies on peace strategies, stability, security and development of the community of destiny and Africa;
By initiating consultations with decision-makers and leaders in public security, defense and development policies on Africa;
By organizing assistance in humanitarian actions (prevention, training and awareness-raising) for populations on citizen watch and protection of vulnerable people, victims of armed conflicts and other situations of violence (education, energy, health, micro-credits) in Africa.
Chairman of the Board of Directors
email: i.gouchola@ong-gslafrica.org
Directrice Exécutive
email: d.kindji@ong-gslafrica.org
Trésorier Général
email: a.gouchola@ong-gslafrica.org
Directeur de la Consultation
email: .......@ong-gslafrica.org
Directrice Action Humanitaire
Email: a.ndjako@ong-gslafrica.org
Directeur de la Formation
email: .....@ong-gslafrica.org
Directeur de la Communication
email: d.ahouissou@ong-gslafrica.org
Directeur de la Communication
email: d.ahouissou@ong-gslafrica.org
email: --------@ong-gslafrica.org
email: --------@ong-gslafrica.org